Align for better collaboration

Boost engagement, memory retention, and trust with your team.

Build stronger teams with better virtual calls

Trusted by over 10,000 businesses and institutions, teams depend on iContact Camera to enhance trust and engagement, enabling increased collaboration in a remote setting.

“Eye contact can go a long way toward forging trust and lasting connections.”

Harvard Law School

“Eye contact helps build credibility and trust in both personal and professional settings”

American Express

“Studies reveal that eye contact improves understanding between teams.”

Quest Workspaces

“Eye contact can help you succeed with workplace conversations, meetings, and job interviews.”


“Eye contact is the key to compassion and connection.”

Stanford University

Above-screen webcam

iContact Camera comparison to built in cameraiContact Camera comparison to built in camera

iContact Camera


    Studies show people prefer video calls that facilitate eye contact 88% more than those that don’t.


    Based on clinical research, higher levels of eye contact make you appear more reliable, engaging, and self-assured.


    Studies show eye contact during virtual presentations leads to more effective recall (23% improvement) of presented information.


    According to research, eye contact in video chats facilitates trust at levels similar to face-to-face interactions.

Success story

iContact Camera Boosts Engagement and Productivity at Baxter International

Enhanced eye contact transforms remote team meetings, driving focus and collaboration for improved virtual work outcomes.

  • Challenge

    At Baxter, remote team calls on platforms like Zoom and Teams require high levels of engagement and communication to be effective. However, standard webcam setups often fall short, making it challenging for team leaders to maintain engagement during lengthy meetings. This lack of effective visual interaction can decrease focus and connection among team members, ultimately hindering productivity and virtual collaboration effectiveness. Without natural eye contact, leaders at Baxter struggle to foster a cohesive and interactive environment, impacting remote work success.

  • Solution

    The iContact Camera Pro offers an advanced solution for remote team calls at Baxter. Designed to address the unique challenges of virtual meetings, this camera provides superior video quality and facilitates natural eye contact. By ensuring that team leaders can maintain engagement and clear communication during lengthy Zoom and Teams calls, the iContact Camera Pro enhances the overall effectiveness of remote collaboration.

  • Result 

    Integrating the iContact Camera Pro into remote team calls at Baxter significantly increased engagement and collaboration. With 88% of individuals preferring eye-contact video communication, leaders and team members found it easier to maintain focus and communicate effectively. The iContact Camera Pro enhanced the quality of virtual interactions, resulting in stronger team cohesion, improved productivity, and more successful outcomes for Baxter's remote work initiatives.

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