غطاء عدسة احترافي

السعر العادي
Dhs. 30.00
السعر العادي
سعر البيع
Dhs. 30.00
شحن يتم حسابها عند الخروج.

حافظ على خصوصيتك باستخدام غطاء عدسة كاميرا الويب الأنيق وسهل الاستخدام.  يغطي هذا المحلول البسيط القابل للتقشير واللصق العدسة تلقائيًا عند رفع الكاميرا لأعلى. احمِ نفسك من التدخلات غير المرغوب فيها واحتفظ براحة بالك باستخدام هذا الملحق. سهل التركيب، وهو مزيج مثالي من الأمان والراحة. بالنسبة لأولئك منكم الذين لديهم طابعة ثلاثية الأبعاد، يمكنك صنع طابعتك مجانًا باستخدام هذا الملف.

غطاء عدسة احترافي
غطاء عدسة احترافي

آراء العملاء

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  • Free USA shipping

  • 30-day return policy

  • 1 year limited warranty

Works with

Compare the difference

  • iContact Camera

    • Compact one piece construction
    • One touch placement and removal
    • Minimal screen obstruction
  • iContact Camera vs. Center Cam comparison

    Clip camera

    • Bulky clip
    • Camera is difficult to level
    • Camera shakes easily
  • iContact Camera vs. Plexicam comparison

    Slider camera

    • Bulky camera and mount
    • Cord is difficult to manage
    • Camera not included


How is an iContact Сamera better than existing webcams?

Built-in webcams do not allow you to make eye contact during video calls. Existing on-screen cameras are not well thought out in terms of product design and ease of daily use. 

What are the advantages of the iContact Сamera design?

Very compact design. Easy to put on your device when you want to make eye contact during video calls, easy to remove or store to the side of your screen when the meeting is over.

What do you mean I have no eye contact during video calls?

During a video call, you look at the screen, into the eyes of the person you are calling. The person on the other end sees that your gaze is down, because eye contact contact is only possible when you look directly into the camera. The iContact Camera aligns the position of the camera and the face of your interlocutor in the same area, so there is visual contact and a feeling of real-life communication.

What are the benefits of eye contact?

By bringing eye contact back into online communication, you make it more natural and similar to real-life. We believe that eye contact has much more impact than 4K or autofocus, so we've created a product that's as light, concise and affordable as possible.